When you start a new save, make sure you un-tick ‘prevent use of in-game editor’ to enable the editorial function. Load up the FM home screen and click on ‘downloads.’ Click ‘buy now’ and part with £3.99 to be able to edit to your heart’s content. The ‘In-game Editor,’ however, you will have to pay for.
To install the ‘pre-game editor,’ go to Steam, click library->games->tools and scroll until you find ‘Football Manager 2020 Editor.’ Right-click on this and select ‘install game.’ Once it’s finished installing all you have to do is click ‘play game.’ You can basically do anything you want with the FM Editor tool, from transferring Lionel Messi to your favourite club, creating a monstrous player with out-of-this-world talent or building a new stadium named after you. This is undoubtedly the best and most effective tool available for cheating purposes.